Card News Template 10 - Wine

2019. 10. 22 13:13 | 644 |

Free Card News Template Series 10th, if you know, the kind of wine that is deeper Open templates to help everyone create content quickly and easily.

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Thrifty Cooking Tips The profound taste of wine and type when knowing what to look for 1 2 3 4 5 1


Red wine 1 2 3 4 5 2 Red wine that goes well with red meat Thrifty Cooking Tips Select the wine that best suits your taste from its ‘richness’ and its ‘sugar content’. You can fully enjoy the flavor of red wine when you drink it with cooked meat since it typically goes well with high temperature food.


1 2 3 4 5 3 Thrifty Cooking Tips White wine White wine has a high acidity, so it goes well with white fish rather than red meat. You can fully taste the acidity of white wine when consumed with low temperature dishes. White wine that goes well with fish


1 2 3 4 5 4 Thrifty Cooking Tips Rosé wine A beautiful pink wine Rosé wine is a pinkish wine and is famously known for its beautiful appearance in wine glasses than other wines. The taste is fairly close to white wine, so drink it with food that will help you fully appreciate the acidity taste.


Which wine has the most suitable taste for you? 1 2 3 4 5 5 Thrifty Cooking Tips Choose a wine that goes well with a dish and enjoy its rich flavor. It is most important to choose a wine that best suits your taste. Planning: Xelf Kim, Production: Xelf Kim

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Category Card news
Recent edit date 2019. 10. 22 17:55
No. of pages 5pages
Resolution 1280px X 720px

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