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Tutorial 02

2. Project

To create XELF content, first you need to create a project.
You can set the basic information, resolution, copyright, design environment, etc. of the project through the XELF project setting before creation. This will help you express your ideas effectively.

A project is a unit of document / content authored by XELF. Each project contains a number of objects, pages, and basic meta information. Users can create, edit, duplicate, and delete projects, and all projects are given an independent URL. If the project is set to public, you can share the project via the URL. It is also possible to share it on SNS like Facebook, and when sharing, you need to check copyright, reuse, viewer options.

2-1. Create a new project

XELF projects can be created by clicking the Create New Project button on the Start page or by clicking the New Project button on the My Project page. If you choose to create a project, a popup will show up where you can set up the project. You can change basic settings such as project resolution, as well as copyright or viewer settings, as well as settings for grid and snap in the project settings. You can change the project settings at any time in the editor even after finishing the setting.

2-2. Project settings

Project settings are the first step for users to create content. Each item is described below so that the project is not difficult to start. In the project settings, you can set the basic information of the project, copyright, viewer, and design before creating the project.

1) Basic information

Set the project's name, category, and resolution. The resolution that users frequently use is provided as a preset and can also be entered directly. You can set the default resolution and standard resolution. The default resolution is the resolution that is based on when you create a new page, and the standard resolution is the resolution of the viewer that plays the project.

The default resolution is the resolution based on when creating new pages within a project, and cannot be higher than the standard resolution.
The standard resolution is a user-specified resolution to determine the size and proportion of the viewer. Therefore, we recommend that you enter a resolution that you find suitable for playing the project. The standard resolution cannot be lower than the default resolution and page resolution.
Generally, the basic and standard resolutions are set to the same. However, depending on your intent, you can set a standard resolution higher than the default resolution to increase or decrease the scale of content played in the viewer.

2) Additional information and copyright

You can enter a project's description and tags and specify a thumbnail image of the content. The description and tags of the project are used to search for the project in the gallery on the XELF website, so it is recommended that you include the words that best represent the content.
In the project's Copyright Information menu, you can set author and source, copyright, and scope of disclosure.
When you set a project to public, the project is exposed to the gallery. If you allow reuse, other users will be able to reuse the project. XELF encourages you to assign Creative Commons (CC) licenses when granting copyright to your projects. The CC license consists of four license terms of permission to use.


This is a requirement to indicate the author's name, origin, etc.
When copying or posting the work on other platforms, you must also mark the author and source.


You may not use the work for commercial purposes. Therefore, for the purpose of using for profit, a separate contract is required.

No Derivative Works

This means that it is prohibited to change the work or create a secondary work using it.

Share Alike

This means that a secondary work is allowed, but the secondary work should be subject to the same license as the original work.

Regular members cannot set a project private, which can only be used with promotions or paid members. The ability to set passwords and disclose only to authorized users will be developed in the future.

CC license, which can be configured under four terms of permission to use, is as follows.

Attribution (CC BY)

You shall mark the author as to the name of the author, title of the work, and origin.

Attribution - Noncommercial (CC BY-NC)

If you identify the author, you can use it freely, but not for commercial purposes.

Attribution - No Derivative Works (CC BY-ND)

You can use it freely by identifying the author, but you must use it without modification.

Attribution - Share Alike (CC BY-SA)

If you identify the author, you can use it freely and change the work. The secondary work shall be subject to the same license as the original work.

Attribution – Noncommercial - Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA)

If you identify the author, you can use and change the work, but it cannot be used for commercial purposes. The secondary work shall be subject to the same license as the original work.

Attribution – Noncommercial - No Derivative Works

If you identify the author, you can use the work, but it cannot be used for commercial purposes. You must use it without modification.

Copyright reserved – Without CCL (COPYRIGHT)

You have or have been delegated rights to this work. This work does not have a CC license.

3) Viewer

XELF projects are played through the viewer. Options in the Viewer include whether to enable page control, enable auto-play, and enable user settings. When you select the Default Viewer, it is set to the default viewer that uses all three functions. If you select Disable Viewer UI, the project will play without the viewer's interface available.

Page control is a feature that allows you to flip pages in a project through the viewer. It can be operated with the arrow interface at the bottom of the viewer or keyboard. Auto-play is a feature that automatically turns pages in a project. Use Settings feature allows you to use custom settings in the bottom right of the viewer.

Currently, the Default Viewer and the Disable Viewer UI are available. We will develop and provide more viewer and viewer options in the future.

4) Design configuration

You can set smart guide, grid and snap to help you design your project.
Grid is a feature that draws a guide line for the placement of objects. You can set the horizontal line spacing and vertical line spacing of the grid in px units, and the type of grid can also be selected between lines or points. Snap is a feature that makes an object stick to a grid like a magnet. Smart Guide draws a red line when the position of an object under operation coincides with another object, horizontally or vertically, to help you place the object.
Background color sets the background color throughout the project, and background color in the viewer can also be changed by specifying the background color.

Background color is the color that is the reference when you create a new page. If you want to change the background color of the page you are working on, you must change the background color in the page properties panel on the right.
You can also change the background color of the viewer with a background color feature.

2-3. Project reuse

Project reuse is a feature that you can reuse and modify projects created by other users.
The gallery at XELF offers a variety of templates, including your own projects. When you create a project by selecting and reusing any type of project in the gallery, you can quickly and easily create content.

Allowing reuse in the 'Additional information and copyright' item in the project settings will allow other users to reuse the project. If you do not want other users to reuse the project, select 'Do not allow reuse'.

* Be sure to check the copyright of the project when reusing it.